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How It Started
Once upon a time, there was a girl, in the faraway land of "Korea."
People called her many things...
Perhaps because her presence was too foreign, too distinct, too far away.
"Who are you?"
One day, the pale moon asked the girl.

"I watched you every night, shining upon you, lighting your night. But I never heard you say your name," said the moon.

"My friends call me Genevieve."

"Strangers call me Da."
"Ok, But who are you?"
Asked the moon.

The girl looked up at the Moon.
It shined so brightly.
Her eyes glistened with dreams.
"Who am I? Well...I call myself...."
"...Da Eun."

Dear Moon, will you be so kind as to call me
"윤다은 Yoon Da Eun"?
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